الأربعاء، 11 مايو 2016

Sites for cupping:

Sites for cupping:Cupping subject, ninety-eight, fifty-five of them on the back and forty-three of them on the face and abdomen, and each placement disease cupping (the subject of one or more each) of the human body.Due the large number of positions you are working on cupping; to the large and influential work in the flesh.* They are working on power lines, which are used by acupuncture, cupping has been found that better results come from Alabralchinah ten-fold, possibly due; because the needle is working on a small point, while cupping working to almost a radius of 5 cm.* Also works cupping their own reacting nerves positions, every organ in the body has nerves fueled and other reactions, and then shows each disease (any action) reaction differs from his place, according to the ultimate private reacting the nerve, this is called a "reflex"Fmt do not have the stomach Two spots in the back, and when we get sick stomach cupping the two places, as well as his pancreas Two spots,, Reflex, colon him six places ... and so on.* Cupping is also working on the lymph nodes, and is activated it strengthens the immune system and makes them resistant to diseases

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