The benefits of public cupping
Organize the work of the nervous system involuntary
Regulating the secretion of endocrine hormone balance
Calm nerves stimulate blood circulation
Motion-activated centers in the body activated neurotransmitters
The effect of cupping on Gin: Gin flagrante rights for several reasons, including the eye, magic and love and hurt ... etc., elves and affected when Tstafrg material magic eye cupping you will find the patient in the event of twitching disorder and even fainting or full or partial attendance such as cupping.
And all the elders roquia stipulate the need to work on cases cupping.
The tip on the request incantation or suspect that by touching or charm or must be appointed by cupping of cupping and we have to be with Mahtgmeh her mother or her sister or her daughter or her friend.
This is necessary
And some of the jinn be restricted in specific places in the body, perhaps these places are to be cupping positions, either he flees before cupping or alienate the patient, and it has passed on cases attend elves full presence so that the patient feels the pain until I finish it, and cases of witchcraft server asks cupping Enchanted in a specific position of the body to reduce the amount of magic that affects the patient, these things are caused by metaphysics do not know, some of the jinn are hurt cupping and others are asking cupping one result is the patient's benefit, God willing.
It is understood that the elves being the son of Adam bloodstream as stated in the talk, and perhaps leave some cause harmful batters in nerve and muscle and veins of human, cupping Tstafrg these blends if they signed it.
Cupping and its effect on the eye:
The eye if a person hit have space and offense inside the human body, either on the form of vapor or liquid or albumin, however Spell out the form nominated "sweat" or on the steam with a yawn or in the form of albumin with phlegm and diarrhea form, and taken advantage of cupping it sucks or some of them close to the surface of the skin places the eye if they signed it.
Cupping and its impact on Magic:
Cupping served in vomiting magic food and drink and Mashmoom and splashing on the body, "interior in general."
Valshr after being eaten or drank settle in the abdomen and spreads with the blood to most of the members of the body, and is in most places by the magic orders, cupping benefit greatly vomiting material near the surface of the skin magic, but they do not reach the magic in the depths of the body such as the one in deep in the abdomen, chest, though it authorizes God that vomiting Enchanted Oi gets his diarrhea following cupping, and generally are very useful, God willing, in substance vomiting magic if they continued Enchanted cupping the contract and the pain and the synagogues of magic places.
Cupping, God willing, be the cause of:
God willing alone:Be the cause of:
1-calm nerves2. active brain scanners3. stimulate blood circulation4- treated headaches and sister5. reduce the proportion of urea in the blood6. address some cancer cases7. help to hormonal imbalance8. dealing with various cardiac diseases9. dealt with neck, back and legs ache10. balance of acids and alkalis in the blood11. rid the body of excess acids12. excite and motivate antioxidants13. The proportion of natural cortisone in the blood14. raise the proportion of natural morphine in the body15. behave arteries and veins and fine large16. dealing with genetic disease hemophilia (hemophilia)17. regulating the secretion of glands and energize the private pituitary18. dealing with infertility, impotence and infertility19. rid the body of toxins and cell aging20. increase the visual ability and deal with other kind of diseases21. GENERAL strengthens the body's immune, and by raising the immune glands22. behave lymph veins and lymph nodes "lymph vessels."23. address the pain and burning in the existing private parties diabetics and disc24. regulate Asambsawi and Albarracmbsawi device responsible for anger and emotions25. absorbs some of the eye or near the surface of the skin Amama places and signed by26. stimulate and excite places reactions in the body, "Reflex Zone" internal organs27. behave energy pathways "It is vital" that, God willing, to increase the vitality of the body28. address the back and joints, gout, diseases of the abdomen, "constipation, Beefhim pain, lack of appetite."29. benefit in vomiting magic food and drink and Mashmoom and splashing on the body, "interior generally."30. reduce the proportion of LDL cholesterol "LDL" in the blood and increase the proportion of beneficial cholesterol in the blood "HDL31. Blends absorb toxins and drugs raised the body and that resides in the bloody gatherings between the skin and muscle
Important Notes:
· Advised not to eat three hours before cupping and also advised Tub cupping after 24 hours unless compelled.· Advised to read a verse of the Holy and Almaomat and the Opening of the Book by cupping to get rid of the eye and the magic, God willing, and charity after cupping.· Amahgom prohibited from eating milk and dairy products such as cheese, milk and cream throughout the day cupping if he is suffering from allergies.· It is also prohibited to Amahgom drinking very cold liquids and eating salty or dazzling.·· Best days of cupping is on 17 of the Hijri month to 27 of the same month AH (Arab) and the best seasons, is winter.As well as the white days of every Hijri month.There is nothing wrong in the work of cupping any time, any day, where cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him at the gates of Mecca which is forbidden for the pain in his head. Blessings and peace.
Cupping contraindications: There is absolutely the words of the Apostle: (The healing in size) See Summary Muslim 1480But be careful cupping liquidity for those with blood or have severe anemia.
Even patients with diabetes and hemophilia (blood flow) is not prevented from cupping (see in medical research mentioned above heal severe hemophilia patient cupping), while patients with diabetes has been cupping for some diabetes patients and was conducted after analysis of blood observed a significant reduction in the rate of sugar.
Shafi and God alone and Tababb shall receive the money.
Bs then downright I Majpt something new Bs adequacy frequency all alone in us worked most pain, including things I hurt myself: eek: what X chromosome worked despite the fact that the pipeline Praise sound Les Maosthml simple prick of God will lead me Bs: pJoati wish all alone in us experimented with activation, herbs and Altmartia they tend to do cupping and of course I Oolkm: 32:
For illinition those who have held the abdomen or uterus or polycystic ovaries and the cause of delay pregnancy There cupping specializes in that and, thanks to God Almighty, dozens of women happened to them load after rotating cupping Altmartia the second day of the menstrual cycle and work illinition untested ways, and happened to them download thanks to God and some of them It happened to her carrying more than once.
It wants its number Fleurasl brother Abu Yasser cupper on the private.
There are also some diseases are caused by gases that are moving in the body and in the blood streams and these gases and vapors usually cause nerve and muscle and joint diseases and sometimes be more dangerous than bad blood or raging or excessive.
If these gases are gathered around the nerve center of the main nerves related to a member of the Members Kaldhiraa example, they may cause in full motion deficit in this user and then the patient thought he had been crippled and it's not true, but circumvents the gases around the nerve that drives this Almara Vtakngah not doing his job.
When conducting medical examinations and radiography something does not appear because it's just gas.
Therefore, in most cases, the patient goes to too many medical authorities say to him you do not have anything specific or can not identify the causes of the disease that you have.
When cupping performed on this person out of these gases while cupping can see these gases while they leave the naked eye it out in the form of bubbles with blood and accumulate until they become in the form of foam or froth, and when you go out of these gases healing is achieved for this patient, God willing.
In some cases, these gases accumulate anywhere in the head and cause severe pain is not a headache but the pain is like joints and bones and perhaps the situation evolves into a total loss of appetite and then refused to process food by stomach whenever the patient eat food meeting.
When conducting medical examinations and radiography anything that does not appear this case has caused some flexibility or softness in the part that had accumulated beneath these gases.
In some cases, when an imaging X doctors see anything above the brain is more like a vacuum and can not determine the material that void therefore stand helpless in front of this situation, which is as easy as possible, but they do not know (what Ootim of science only a little)
When performing cupping on this case out of these gases and the patient heals, God willing Vsobhanh which is not incapable of anything on earth or in heaven.
Cupping you eject blood with all its mixtures corrupt and gases and vapors and malicious microbes and antibodies harmful to the body at the same time be replaced by the sound of blood antibodies to the microbes and then healing happens, God willing
God who heals and the doctor or cupper or medicine, but the cause is not.
Do not compromise on your health and take the reasons and be sure the n-Shafi is God alone is not a partner in it.
Sheikh Hussam Almeselhi cupping work in your home002/ 01117799760
Organize the work of the nervous system involuntary
Regulating the secretion of endocrine hormone balance
Calm nerves stimulate blood circulation
Motion-activated centers in the body activated neurotransmitters
The effect of cupping on Gin: Gin flagrante rights for several reasons, including the eye, magic and love and hurt ... etc., elves and affected when Tstafrg material magic eye cupping you will find the patient in the event of twitching disorder and even fainting or full or partial attendance such as cupping.
And all the elders roquia stipulate the need to work on cases cupping.
The tip on the request incantation or suspect that by touching or charm or must be appointed by cupping of cupping and we have to be with Mahtgmeh her mother or her sister or her daughter or her friend.
This is necessary
And some of the jinn be restricted in specific places in the body, perhaps these places are to be cupping positions, either he flees before cupping or alienate the patient, and it has passed on cases attend elves full presence so that the patient feels the pain until I finish it, and cases of witchcraft server asks cupping Enchanted in a specific position of the body to reduce the amount of magic that affects the patient, these things are caused by metaphysics do not know, some of the jinn are hurt cupping and others are asking cupping one result is the patient's benefit, God willing.
It is understood that the elves being the son of Adam bloodstream as stated in the talk, and perhaps leave some cause harmful batters in nerve and muscle and veins of human, cupping Tstafrg these blends if they signed it.
Cupping and its effect on the eye:
The eye if a person hit have space and offense inside the human body, either on the form of vapor or liquid or albumin, however Spell out the form nominated "sweat" or on the steam with a yawn or in the form of albumin with phlegm and diarrhea form, and taken advantage of cupping it sucks or some of them close to the surface of the skin places the eye if they signed it.
Cupping and its impact on Magic:
Cupping served in vomiting magic food and drink and Mashmoom and splashing on the body, "interior in general."
Valshr after being eaten or drank settle in the abdomen and spreads with the blood to most of the members of the body, and is in most places by the magic orders, cupping benefit greatly vomiting material near the surface of the skin magic, but they do not reach the magic in the depths of the body such as the one in deep in the abdomen, chest, though it authorizes God that vomiting Enchanted Oi gets his diarrhea following cupping, and generally are very useful, God willing, in substance vomiting magic if they continued Enchanted cupping the contract and the pain and the synagogues of magic places.
Cupping, God willing, be the cause of:
God willing alone:Be the cause of:
1-calm nerves2. active brain scanners3. stimulate blood circulation4- treated headaches and sister5. reduce the proportion of urea in the blood6. address some cancer cases7. help to hormonal imbalance8. dealing with various cardiac diseases9. dealt with neck, back and legs ache10. balance of acids and alkalis in the blood11. rid the body of excess acids12. excite and motivate antioxidants13. The proportion of natural cortisone in the blood14. raise the proportion of natural morphine in the body15. behave arteries and veins and fine large16. dealing with genetic disease hemophilia (hemophilia)17. regulating the secretion of glands and energize the private pituitary18. dealing with infertility, impotence and infertility19. rid the body of toxins and cell aging20. increase the visual ability and deal with other kind of diseases21. GENERAL strengthens the body's immune, and by raising the immune glands22. behave lymph veins and lymph nodes "lymph vessels."23. address the pain and burning in the existing private parties diabetics and disc24. regulate Asambsawi and Albarracmbsawi device responsible for anger and emotions25. absorbs some of the eye or near the surface of the skin Amama places and signed by26. stimulate and excite places reactions in the body, "Reflex Zone" internal organs27. behave energy pathways "It is vital" that, God willing, to increase the vitality of the body28. address the back and joints, gout, diseases of the abdomen, "constipation, Beefhim pain, lack of appetite."29. benefit in vomiting magic food and drink and Mashmoom and splashing on the body, "interior generally."30. reduce the proportion of LDL cholesterol "LDL" in the blood and increase the proportion of beneficial cholesterol in the blood "HDL31. Blends absorb toxins and drugs raised the body and that resides in the bloody gatherings between the skin and muscle
Important Notes:
· Advised not to eat three hours before cupping and also advised Tub cupping after 24 hours unless compelled.· Advised to read a verse of the Holy and Almaomat and the Opening of the Book by cupping to get rid of the eye and the magic, God willing, and charity after cupping.· Amahgom prohibited from eating milk and dairy products such as cheese, milk and cream throughout the day cupping if he is suffering from allergies.· It is also prohibited to Amahgom drinking very cold liquids and eating salty or dazzling.·· Best days of cupping is on 17 of the Hijri month to 27 of the same month AH (Arab) and the best seasons, is winter.As well as the white days of every Hijri month.There is nothing wrong in the work of cupping any time, any day, where cupping Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him at the gates of Mecca which is forbidden for the pain in his head. Blessings and peace.
Cupping contraindications: There is absolutely the words of the Apostle: (The healing in size) See Summary Muslim 1480But be careful cupping liquidity for those with blood or have severe anemia.
Even patients with diabetes and hemophilia (blood flow) is not prevented from cupping (see in medical research mentioned above heal severe hemophilia patient cupping), while patients with diabetes has been cupping for some diabetes patients and was conducted after analysis of blood observed a significant reduction in the rate of sugar.
Shafi and God alone and Tababb shall receive the money.
Bs then downright I Majpt something new Bs adequacy frequency all alone in us worked most pain, including things I hurt myself: eek: what X chromosome worked despite the fact that the pipeline Praise sound Les Maosthml simple prick of God will lead me Bs: pJoati wish all alone in us experimented with activation, herbs and Altmartia they tend to do cupping and of course I Oolkm: 32:
For illinition those who have held the abdomen or uterus or polycystic ovaries and the cause of delay pregnancy There cupping specializes in that and, thanks to God Almighty, dozens of women happened to them load after rotating cupping Altmartia the second day of the menstrual cycle and work illinition untested ways, and happened to them download thanks to God and some of them It happened to her carrying more than once.
It wants its number Fleurasl brother Abu Yasser cupper on the private.
There are also some diseases are caused by gases that are moving in the body and in the blood streams and these gases and vapors usually cause nerve and muscle and joint diseases and sometimes be more dangerous than bad blood or raging or excessive.
If these gases are gathered around the nerve center of the main nerves related to a member of the Members Kaldhiraa example, they may cause in full motion deficit in this user and then the patient thought he had been crippled and it's not true, but circumvents the gases around the nerve that drives this Almara Vtakngah not doing his job.
When conducting medical examinations and radiography something does not appear because it's just gas.
Therefore, in most cases, the patient goes to too many medical authorities say to him you do not have anything specific or can not identify the causes of the disease that you have.
When cupping performed on this person out of these gases while cupping can see these gases while they leave the naked eye it out in the form of bubbles with blood and accumulate until they become in the form of foam or froth, and when you go out of these gases healing is achieved for this patient, God willing.
In some cases, these gases accumulate anywhere in the head and cause severe pain is not a headache but the pain is like joints and bones and perhaps the situation evolves into a total loss of appetite and then refused to process food by stomach whenever the patient eat food meeting.
When conducting medical examinations and radiography anything that does not appear this case has caused some flexibility or softness in the part that had accumulated beneath these gases.
In some cases, when an imaging X doctors see anything above the brain is more like a vacuum and can not determine the material that void therefore stand helpless in front of this situation, which is as easy as possible, but they do not know (what Ootim of science only a little)
When performing cupping on this case out of these gases and the patient heals, God willing Vsobhanh which is not incapable of anything on earth or in heaven.
Cupping you eject blood with all its mixtures corrupt and gases and vapors and malicious microbes and antibodies harmful to the body at the same time be replaced by the sound of blood antibodies to the microbes and then healing happens, God willing
God who heals and the doctor or cupper or medicine, but the cause is not.
Do not compromise on your health and take the reasons and be sure the n-Shafi is God alone is not a partner in it.
Sheikh Hussam Almeselhi cupping work in your home002/ 01117799760
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