الأربعاء، 11 مايو 2016

The conditions of the jinn

 The world of the jinnBrother reader, jinn mentioned in the Koran, as is the case in the male mankind, God created the jinn before mankind, and the world of jinn large and complex, and prepared outweigh prepare mankind exponentially, and the difference between them and us that they see us in terms of do not see them, but of God revealed for insight or wanted to have it, they are the people of tribes and clans, religions and methods, you will find them Muslim, and Christian and Jewish Magi, as well as worshipers of Satan dreaded, from whom he has no religion, and not only that, as big differences among them in size and shape, they are the antithesis of the man who does not carry these differences among its members in this regard, but the fairy world is quite different, the length of the genie of them to hundreds of meters, while not exceeding the length of the dwarf whom one meter, as note the difference is very large, Add to this the clear difference color and shape, as varied colors including Vcr them and blue as well as black color in the composition, and either of movement, the of them moved on the ground jumped Vezadh jumping speed has speed estimates of creep on the ground, of whom seventy kilometers per minute Bmkiesna We are human beings, and some of them fly and has a speed of wake speed of moved on earth thousands of multiples, and the speed of the fly at light speed estimated both of God's creation, our messengers us and them heavenly books of the four mentioned in gin, and that God created them to be Abdeen loyal to him, but unfortunately as it gets in the world of mankind may find obedient, you may find debased, nor about no power but from God Almighty. Gin is divided into two main types: Section I: goblins, and Section II: demons. The goblins Vinksmo also into four sections, Section I: Savannah or "Asbasph", and Part II: Altoakiv or "Altoaagafh", and Part III: cyclones or "Zwabah", and the fourth section: demons, goblins or "devils", and we must point out the goblins do not mean to creep on the ground, though some of them creep on them, and plasmon goblins and Mcherbhm close to the food, drink mankind, but they derive their livelihood from residues and waste food Humans ones and this indicates that they Taliyn, and calms the goblins near the water fountains in the valleys and mountains wooded and scrubland abandoned houses by Humans and old wells, caves, caves and tunnels, and they have many of them behavioral aspects of human loves and lives close to him, including what is the opposite, and they Assahab methods both in their own way, and the owners of the methods are Alarhat they are misguided and follow the parents without God, but the ways the owners of which are from the spirit of the law and these methods often have scholars or sheikhs of mankind to understand more committed, and the demons or general committee with access to the ground and out of them, and can also be Arkpo wind like Zwabah, and some of them live clouds and planets and are so-called "pilot" or "Jinn Gin upper, "We do not want to get into the upper Gin details for not mixing or inadvertent contact with humans does not hurt nor etcetera, and goblins of inhabit the seas salty mostly demons goblins and Haala aptly named none of them who is in favor of, or even a pet, and dwell in the seas of them are called "divers", and Haala of Tskm senior demons to serve the magic and witches and warlocks, goblins and ghouls of the so-called Haala and the name of a Acklo Balehiaya blacks and dogs and animals illusion of Altoakiv and Asbasph. The main section II: Devils divided demons into two First Section: senior demons, and the second section: the tyrants, I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, the name of Allah, I seek refuge in You from the Bibliography devils, and forbid your employer to attend, I seek refuge in You from worry and sadness, and seek refuge in you from disability and laziness, and seek refuge in you from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in you from the predominance of religion and conquer men, I seek refuge in you from poverty and Aila, and seek refuge in you from every calamity, I seek refuge in you from poverty, but to you, and humiliation, but , and fear, but you and I seek your say falsely, or fainted Fgura, or be your arrogant, and seek refuge in you from an incurable disease, and disappointments, and gloating enemies, and the demise of grace, and suddenly resentment, I seek refuge in you from the evil creatures who are living and poor creation, Amen, Amen, O Most merciful. As for the senior demons, fired on them that name because the young demons are demons, imps As stated previously, senior demons are worshipers of the devil, and most of them chained, has said the genie of Satan in the Koran, in Sura "Ranks", and differs Haala from the rest of the jinn in color and nature creation, and the difference even a way Twadahm they are numerous and are called "Blue Gin", and some of them holds the throne of Satan mates, and some of them is from Khaddam names diabolical, so many names, so aware of what is magic and magicians and hieroglyphs and names diabolical written in Arabic, with a concept Syriac and by Haala demons are support diabolical allies of the devil on earth, and to yell magician magician or juggler charlatan must be an ally of the devil dreaded in the ground and intrigue among humans, it enters alone with forty days or more, and Abdoblawh names diabolical, so he gets the servants of these names a senior demons and ask him the price of joining the allies of Satan, and it is often the price big transgressions shake the throne of God does not hula is no power but God Almighty, such as the desecration of the Koran, or Alnbaro from the Lord of the worlds, or fasting for the soul and indecent assault and rape womb and etc. , but if asked to do this unclean, he appointed a new ally of the devil in the ground, and rises allies arranged everything away from God rather than closer to the devil more, God forbid. The second section: the tyrants, I've mentioned the tyrants Qur'an in more than one location, and the tyrants of the collection of the tyrant, and tyrants are the servants of magic, but magic senior magicians, they often serve based magic on the big sin Ktdnas the Quran and its verses, God forbid, as well as the charm of the impurity which is usually what is the menstrual cycles of women, while the others are from the tyrants, the job get people out of the light into the darkness, by whispering to do sin, or by rule consort and activate whispers diabolical, they are pulling man his diseased self-worship of God to worship the devil, and walk on as he pleases and most of the tyrants who live near the blood and in the seas illusion of gin, which is called "Red Gin" understanding fed on the blood and Aazta what they are near the slaying offerings Kalkhan or et cetera, and I know, dear reader, that the devil lives in the sea and has a throne carried by eight senior demons, Assassin God, the devil and his followers and became on his path to the day of Judgment Amen, Vtagot speech calling tyrants of the jinn and mankind, it was a polytheist and harmful to the servants of God, and the way out people Wen light, but darkness is the tyrant, murderer of God tyrants of the jinn and mankind understand deceived, and for them the slaves of Rahman Sultan, God says: In the name of God the Merciful {Ebadi you shall have no authority except from follow you from the evildoers 43} Surah "stone". The great truth of the curtain of God and the message reached Nabih Mustafa Mukhtar Allah bless him and his family and companions good guys. this is sufficient .
Sheikh Hussam Almeselhi and his wife work in your home cupping 01117799760

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